
Our House is Poultry Free!

This morning the Bobs (Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, and Loud Bob) finally moved into a new home OUTSIDE! Ten pigeon-sized guinea fowl in a wardrobe box in a small computer room during the summer is ten too many. It's so pleasant to work in a room that doesn't smell like chicken poop and wet turkey protein crumble.

This is very exciting. I caught myself in the car today saying "Yay, I have external bobs!" Hopefully no one was listening, because that probably sounded pretty strange.

Mole Babies

We found these guys when we were raking up some trash that was on the lawn. I think they're moles. It's pretty amazing that the lawnmower didn't take them out.


mild technical overwhelm

I'm posting this from my new iPhone. So far I've figured out how to make it quack, and that's about it. I think there should be an official sniglet "comstipation," referring to the state of technical overload in between digestion and productivity.